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Hi Agus!

Me and my friend Stine were at your place with such a great experience!:) I have a little dilemma in my life now.. I know maybe you can not answer the question but I will try! Here you go; you remember that I worked with people and I LOVE that with all my heat.. i have seach to come into a school in my hometowm but I did not come in but in the capital Oslo.. The school starts 11 of Agust.. Do ypu think I should go or wait if I come ino a school here? I have so much respect for you Agus and believe in you so much! Much love from Norway
Ida Fjælberg

Dear Agus
Thank you so much for our meeting and healing session yesterday. It has had a profound effect on me. I have not stopped thinking about it.I will phone today at 4.30 as you asked. Please please please allow me to come and meet you again. I really want to be around your wonderful energy one more time before i go home.
Thank you.

Hello Agus!
Just want to send you a “Hi” from Austria and want to let you know that I feel really awesome after visiting you:) How is everything going in Ubud?:)
Cheers from Austria,
Dr. Rainer Spruzina

Dear Agus,
I’m back in Austria now for a week already.
My time in Bali this year (as well as last year) was very important and helpful for my own journey. I’ve been realizing so many things about myself and my life and very happy.
I can see some changes yet about my love for myself. I focus more on myself and what I want and what’s good for me and feel more connected, which makes life all different in a good way. Still I have a lot of issues to improve and my journey is anything else than over. i think that’s the exciting thing about it all though, but, as you’ve told me, i like security as much as freedom, and security is what i don’t have at the moment. Still I’m very happy.

Do you remember the Australian guy you’ve told me about? The one who came into my life just recently and there is a unique connection, same spirit, same soul? We are still in contact and it is becoming more and more intense what is happening between us. I have never experiences such a connection before, it seems like we have the same soul, although he’s from the other side of the world. You told me that we definitely gonna see each other again and that i will have left Austria before i turn 30.

At this point i want to share a story with you: The same day i was seeing you in Bali, he was talking to an intuitive Lady in Australia. She has seen me coming into his life just recently and she said that this connection is significant. She told him that our ways will definitely cross again and that the chances that we have a very strong relationship are very high. She has told him the same time frames as you’ve told me… That the next year is gonna be all about focusing on himself, connecting and growing and after that she can see him in presence of a partner. Same as you’ve told me, she said he will be very very happy in future and all the searching will have an end. Like you’ve told me i will be very happy, but not in Austria, but far away.
Isn’t this story unbelievable? You and this Lady telling us the same thing with the same time frames at the same day?Anyways, i do have a lot of trust in the universe and myself and I’m sure that whatever should come for me will be great. But at the moment it’s a bit hard, because we miss each other a lot, but still, I am so happy that i have this wonderful person in my life. The latest point we will see again is a year… this is so long.
I would like to hear what you think about that story and maybe you have some advises for me for how to deal with it the next months?
Looking forward to hear from you and hope you are doing well – the tea is wonderful by the way, i can also feel much less pain in my joints already!!

Laura Wolff

Hi Agus, its Jason from New Zealand- long time no see!

I’m very pleased to be writing to you. I hope you are well and happy- Im sure you are!

I wanted to thank you again very much for helping me when I visited you in Ubud.

What you taught me was the most significant teaching I have ever been told- and I continue to try to practice the ritual that you taught me twice a day. To ask for forgiveness, and to forgive everything and everyone in my past and present, and to let everything go- It has made me feel free and happy and I find it easier to trust people and to express myself. Everyday I feel lighter and brighter and I will continue to do this everyday. I have shared what you taught me with many people. I have worn the bracelet everyday single day since you gifted it to me and carry the stone with me everyday as well. I feel very protected and energised by having them with me. I also use the incense and oil everyday as well.

I have noticed a big improvement in my confidence and happiness and lots of other people have noticed it too. You are an inspiration to me and I thank you very much, Agus.

I pray for continued peace and happiness for you and your family and I look forward to coming back to Bali and visiting you again.

From your friend in New Zealand,
Jason Barnes

The most beautiful and amazing man I know
Accurate and amazing and healing i can vouch for
I Highly highly recommend Agus Sihman when travelling to Bali.
Book in early….it will be well worth it
If unsure how to get there call Julez at Be Balinese Tour
Jode Miester

If any of my friends are coming to bali and want the most amazing spiritual experience. Please check out http://www.agusbalipalmreader.com/. Amazing and such a beautiful family. Agus Sihman
Janae Humphrys

Hello again Agus, thank you for accepting my friendship. Hoping you are well and happy.
I would just like to share with you that the palm reading you did for me when I visited you in January is still having a big effect in my life, and some predictions are now coming true! I remain very impressed with your talents. Many blessings on you and your family.
Karen Bartley

If you travel to Bali and want to meet a special palm reader and healer then you should visit Agus Sihman in Ubud.
Neil Burgess

Hey Agus. just to let you know that my Healing Workshops in Chiang Mai are well underway and quite popular. Thankyou for the motivation!! I will come to learn from you in February. I still light incense for you.
Robert Kirnbauer Ein wahrer junger Meister dieser Agus Shiman. Unvergessen seine Heilungszeremonie mit buchstäblich millionen von frischen Blüten. Eine unglaublichen Wohltat für Körper Geist und Seele! Danke Gott dass es ihn gibt!
Neil Burgess

Hi Agus,

I wrote this recommendation of your work that you can include on your profile.

“I know Agus from a Holiday to Bali, the first time we met, I had the feeling to come home to an old friend. The atmosphere in his house is so peaceful. I have done a spiritual healing and palm reading, so did my friends. In first instance we all were sceptical, but Agus told us so many things about our live which he simply could not know. He even did several predictions about the future, very suprising to us he told my friend that soon she would get a baby boy, and indeed she got her baby boy.

On several occasions in my live, I have requested him to do a reading for me and it was always very useful to me.
Just to get that push to something what I allready knew in my heart, but wanted to get confirmed.
His knowledge and readings are invaluable to me, and so is our friendship.
I am happy that there is something as Western Union, so we all can still make use of his services and deep knowledge.
Sometimes in live you meet someone who you can trust and cherise I have closed you, your knowledge and dedication in my hearts.”


Dear Agus,

My name is Svetlana, I am 39 years old, I live in Moscow, Russia. I heard about Agus from a good friend of mine who visited Bali in 2013. From what she said I knew instantly he is the man who can help me, and I asked Agus via email to give me a session over the Internet, as I couldn’t come to Bali at the time (and actually haven’t till now, although I hope to one fine day:) She herself was a good example how Agus helps people, she was happy, inspired and literally shining, and you could feel that it’s real. The details of what Agus told her made it clear he really knows things that we can’t know otherwise while knowing them can be of great help.

Agus gave me very thorough instructions how take photos of my palms that he will need, and upon his advice I also wrote everything about myself I wanted to say and the questions I wanted to ask. I sent all of this to him by email.

We agreed the date and time that works both for Agus and me, it was pretty well in advance, a week or a couple of weeks, so there was no hurry, I had plenty of time to get ready.

I wired the payment to Agus via Western Union as he requested, it was very easy. Agus confirmed the receipt by email, and after that we got on Skype on the time and date agreed and talked. At some point, the connection went really bad, but Agus found a way to make up for it – he offered to write down everything he had to say for me and send it in an email. And that’s what he did, and that email, and what he said in it was a fantastic help to me. I did this session in May 2014, and almost a year later now I can confidently say I’m having a lot of great positive changes in my life, and Agus was a huge help in helping that happen.

Also, Agus welcomed me to email him with any further questions if I had any, and I did use that opportunity twice, a few months after the session when the developments in my life got me puzzled, and Agus helped me understand them – completely for free.

So to me, Agus is the wonderful gift of Life and I’m 100% sure he can help many of people – in fact all of people who choose to ask him for help, and he has my trust 1000%! I know that if I need help again he’ll be the man I’ll turn to.

Svetlana Shelest

Dear Agus,

What can I say; I can only recommend you a Skype session with Agus if you don’t have a chance to meet him in person. Let me share my experience with you. I found out about Agus and his work through some of my friends that were on Bali. All of them gave me sincere and enthusiastic recommendation to make a session with him. Quite frankly, some of the friends that recommended a session with Agus to me really surprised me, since I’d never expected such a suggestion from some of them. This convinced me to give it a try. And I am really glad I made that decision. I must admit that I was at first a bit skeptic about making a session on Skype. Yet, I must say I enjoyed every minute of it. Agus really made the session as pleasant and as clear as possible. If the connection failed for a second, he repeated his thoughts and made an experience really positive and overwhelming. A session with Agus really inspired me. At some moments, his conclusions and recommendations almost made me stop breathing because they were so to the point! I must admit that it would really mean a lot to me to meet Agus in person and make a live session with him. However, I would repeat the Skype session without hesitation any time I’d need an advice from him. He really is an inspiring, honest, and trustworthy man that will never let anyone down and will definitely inspire you.

Wish you a nice day,
Urška Tuškej

I met Agus a year ago when I spent some time in Bali. Talking to him is a Magic.He is really powerful man with great gift. He told me many things about myself in a way that I could recognize them and saw them clearly. Talking to him is a gift. Huge one. He taught me that we had strong and weak points, not positive and negative sides, which changes the perspective a lot. And that there is a balance between these two. Since I am not in Indonesia anymore I use his Skype talk option and it is also great experience. It works too even though we are miles away. Since I met Agus, I will never go to another reader and therefore I am happy that skype option to talk to him exists.
He is great person, very gentle and lucid , his English is excellent and he is very honorable men.

I am very happy to know him and to be able to call him my dear friend.
Mojca Randl

Hi Agus,
Thank you so much for the reading you gave me. I got a lot from it and am making some changes to my life as a result. I was very impressed with your skill as a reader.
I am very pleased to have met you. Regards, Karen.

“I had a palm reading with Agus recently and it was very very good. He immediately accurately told me many aspects of my character and also gave me much good advice in many areas of life. I would highly recommend going to see Agus – but book early! I wish I could have had a longer session with him but he was fully booked, which is always a good indication of how good someone is. ”
Karen Bartley

Hi Agus,
How are you?
It was funny because I was thinking about you yesterday and then suddenly I had a request to you add you on Linkedin 🙂

Therese and I are often talking about you and the things that you told us and we have told a lot of people about the amazing experience.

As you could read I am very much looking for my soul mate and it can sometimes feel frustrating and nearly impossible that I will ever meet my soul mate/twin flame. But I try to be patient and think about your words that it will come to me.

Warm regards,
Maria Johansson

Hello Agus,

Nice to see you on LinkedIn, and nice to see you in Bali a few months ago.

Like you predicted, I was offered a good job within three months. Actually within two, but I would have serious money problems if it had taken me three months.

I don’t know if my ex-boyfriend will come back to me, as you also predicted, as his sense of pride is far bigger than his common sense nowadays, but we will see.

I am somewhat doubtful, not because of your powers which have already proven accurate for my job, but because he is not himself anymore. And as stupid as his ‘new self’ is, I think he really likes his life that way. He is proud of himself (stupidly) but that’s because he’s lost his common sense.

I would rather have a man with common sense.

Take care. I’ll arrange another appointment whenever I get back to Bali.

Yvonne Chan

Thank you Agus!
That is all the support I need. You might be famous for your palm reading but you are a really good coach as well! Keep it up.
Hope to see you and the family soon again.
Marlies van den Berg

Hi Agus,

I wish you a very Happy New Year! I was great and very helpful meeting with you last time.

We met twice in your beautiful place for reading and cleansing; in November 2013 and in April last year.
You meet so many people but I hope you might remember me, I’m Jasmin Zivaljic, Swedish and I was staying at the Amandari Hotel.
I am planning to visit Bali the last week of January, in two weeks, and I would be very happy if you have time to see me for a 2,5 hour session, Package 3 if possible, otherwise whatever time you have.

I plan to be in Bali beween the 26th Jan to the 1st Feb, so please let me know if you have any free time for me any of these dates, preferably on the 28th?

Hope to hear from you soon so I can book my ticket,

Lots of love & peace,
Jasmin Zivaljic

Hi Agus,

I wanted to thank you for having our palm read past your opening ours. It was incredible and you described me better than I can describe myself. I also love your charity. My dream in life is to open/help an orphanage (at least that’s what I’ve thought since I was a little girl)

I will reach out to have my palm read again once I move back to the US in about a month. Hopefully you will have a slot open 🙂
Is a picture enough to tell or do you need touch as well?

Thank you very much

Lior Koren

If you are in Bali and looking for deep deep healing..go and see this man. It is amazing what he has done for me. Thank you very much Agus Sihman
Nils Rosted

Looking forward to my next trip back to my spiritual home in Bali in November, and seeing my friend, the amazing heart centred reader Agus Sihman. Can’t wait to introduce my friends to this awesome & beautiful man. Last time I was there, I cried for 2 hours from the spiritual depth of his message to me, it was just so moving.
Naomi Smith

I am so grateful to Agus Sihman palm reader extraordinaire. The man is amazing. He and his family were so kind as to open up their home allowing me to stay there several days.I enjoyed the Balinese New Year’s celebration, Nyepi and seeing Ogoh-ogoh the evening before. The company of the whole family (not pictured here) was a true blessing. His full body reading was unique and enlightening experience, his home a peaceful place full of positive energy. I appreciate the many conversations around spirituality, life’s patterns and challenges and value his sage advice.
Brad Johnson

Agus, I want to thank you for all the help, advice and hope you left me with on my last day in Bali, beginning of January 2014. It was for me a new beginning. You left me with so much information it is hard for me to remember everything, but for what I did retain, I took action. I believe in your words because you knew so much about me. Since then, i feel like an almost new person. I have finally been able to let go of certain things of my past. Not all since some I don’t know how to let go. And I have pushed myself to do things you gave advice on. I faced some fears and opened up. Now I still have lots of work to do on my confidence in believing other people like me for who I am. But day by day I hope I will be able to have that confidence in myself. I gave all my clothes away and bought a whole new wardrobe. That is where I saw the biggest happiness and made me let go of part of my past that was stopping me from moving on. Thank you for everything. I feel more confident that everything will be fine in the end. I hope, I wish and I believe I will one day be able to come meet you again.

Brigitte Bergevin

I have visited you one Sunday in late April. I am Anna, Polish who lives in England

I wanted to thank you for very accurate reading, your kindness and good vibrations. I felt much calmer after seeing you.

I am enclosing pictures which I have taken of you and your lovely family

Kind regards and all best


Bali have some of the best healers in the world and one of these healers, ‘Balians’ is Agus Sihman, Palm reader. Together with Guro Made Sumantra, Dewa Made Sulendra and Hendra Bekam he solved my 3½ year old diarrhea problem. It took 30 days to find out what my problem was and to develop a solution.
Agus hold my hand the hole way through the healing process and took the responsibility that I would be cured. He is the most fantastic person I have ever met. He is of-cause a highly developed healer, but a human being with qualifications I have not found at other healers. Because he still is a human being he can make mistake, but he is so great that he can admit when he make a mistake. He is also so magnanimous, he allow other healers assisting him in order to get the final result – recovery of the patient.
I owe him everything because has saved my life after having diarrhea in 3½ year and have my night sleep cut into 1 hour sleep the last 2 years. I think only few can survive this.

I am ready to share my experience if some can make use of what I have learned at Bali and before. It is so fantastic that I may write a book a book about it one day.
7 doctors, 4 dieticians, 1 clairvoyant, 2 acupuncturists, 2 sacral therapists and 2 healers could not solve my problem, but Agus Sihman could.
Flemming Hasselriis

Hello Agus,

Nice to see you on LinkedIn, and nice to see you in Bali a few months ago.

Like you predicted, I was offered a good job within three months. Actually within two, but I would have serious money problems if it had taken me three months.

I don’t know if my ex-boyfriend will come back to me, as you also predicted, as his sense of pride is far bigger than his common sense nowadays, but we will see.

I am somewhat doubtful, not because of your powers which have already proven accurate for my job, but because he is not himself anymore. And as stupid as his ‘new self’ is, I think he really likes his life that way. He is proud of himself (stupidly) but that’s because he’s lost his common sense.

I would rather have a man with common sense.

Take care. I’ll arrange another appointment whenever I get back to Bali.



Thank you for such an accurate reading today, it has completely inspired me. I could not believe how well you ‘knew’ me and your counselling has helped me beyond words.

I regretted not asking you a further question and have been wondering if you could advise on this email as I leave Bali tomorrow morning?

I wanted to know if my health is ok and if I’ll come across any obstacles? I’m concerned about my head (right side which you held for some time) and my womb (right side that you held too) and how to recover my ankles that are in daily pain.

Please don’t worry if nothing came up or you can’t answer me. Your reading today was perfect.

Thank you once again. Terima kasih.


Had the coolest time this morning with an amazing reading from the Holy Man Agus in Bali.

Love this man – seriously, he sees right into your soul.
Naomi Smith

Hi Agus,

Oh my God do I feel so happy now! Thank you SO much for all your advice! I already feel I can do it, I have it in me, yes!

I am very grateful for your help and wisdom!

Lots of Love,


Hello!!! How r u Agus!?? Everything u told me in our session is happening!! But I have to ask something in able to be able to trust myself, I don’t know if u can tell me just like this, but remember that guy I was gonna meet n marry soon?? I think I finally met him! Can u say yes or no?
Many love!!! Thank you!!
Jacqueline Medeiros

Thank you very much for the deep session to day. I am very greatfull for our meeting. And all the deep an relevat aspects in me and my life..its is already working in my mind body and soul. Take care love nils
Nils Rosted

Thank you very much for all you doing for me. You have a big place in my heart David
David Wagner

Thank you so much. I must tell you a story. I booked a journey to nepal. And 5 hours before i started the fly to nepal. Is coming the big earthquake in nepal. And i cancel the journey to kathmandu and come to Bali. The creater have the Plan that i come to Bali. For all my questions i have now the answer And you have a big part of this!!! Now you have a big place in my heart. Thank you
David Wagner

Hallo Agus. I immediately felt like being home when I met you. Everything you gave to me was like a gift and has touched me so deeply. This one session in the evening was the inner sense for my visit to Bali, I am sure. I was searching for something I didn’t know and I found something really special and touching. Your support was playing a big role and I believe we know each other from another life. I suppose there will be further deep energy between us. I am saving money for my next trip to Bali yet.
David Wagner

Dear Agus, thank you for your message and thank you that we had the possibility to met you in your lovely house . The Treatments were wonderful . We got confirmed many topics what we have felt in us, but we were not quite sure yet. That will help us for our future way. We believe in the good Things and we will carry love, light and peace in the world , sure. Wie love you and your work for the People and the Earth. Harald and Beate
Harald-Aus Der-Familie Steurer

Thank you so much. God bless you and your Family
Harald-Aus Der-Familie Steurer

Hi Agus,

I just wanted to say thank you again for the beautiful experience you have given Robin & I, it has truly life changing and I will never forget my experience with you!!

The questions I had forgotten to ask you, for myself are:

– What is the best way for me to strengthen my intuition/ is there an special affirmation to help me build this?

– Who is watching over me? Other than the divine, is there any family spirits guarding me with the goddess of love?

Also the area of my third eye is having a tingling sensation since my experience with you, is this something I should pay attention to?

I look forward to your reply

Many Thanks, Love & Positivity,
Vanessa-Mae Santiago

Dear Agus and family,

I have meant to send you a loving note of thanks for your sharing with me last Wednesday. It was very moving and profound for me and I am grateful that I was led to you and your beautiful family. I did have one question as to whether I should begin my herbs now or wait until I return to the states in a few weeks? I send my love and gratitude as I continue on this ever changing beautiful journey.

Love to you and your beautiful family.

Avis Quinlan

Selamat Siang mister Agus,

Warm greetings from Belanda. I returned safely after my wonderful trip through Indonesia this Tuesday. Your country is really beautiful, with lovely people, amazing culture, wonderful nature and delicious food (and drinks).

As I am sipping one of your teas, I wanted to send you a note to thank you again for the magical experience you gave my one and a half weeks ago. (I attached a picture so you can better remember who I am.)

I am drinking a cup of your 3 teas every day now since I returned home.Can you share with me which 3 teas you gave me? Can I replenish my stocks in Belanda as well? I really hope so.

And I will start my moon energy ritual this Sunday. I was born on Monday January 31st at 0.31 at night – so I figured I could do my incense ritual also at the end of my weekends. Besides spiritual, I am also a bit practical. Monday, I won’t be at home and the weekends are more easy for me to perform rituals.

I have bought a good book on Tantra in Ubud, which I am now reading and studying. I already feel very “insync” with all the material. Many thanks for pointing me in that direction. I am truly excited about the prospect of turning 40 in 2017 knowing from you thaa as well? I really hope so.

My company is thriving very well. Upon return new orders came in. So I feel very blessed in what I do. I want to expand my reach and audience for my weekly blog on www.withMartijn.com – on which red is my primary colour 😉

I have taken my love live as a “serious” project, which needs time and energy from my side. Without forcing it. I am convinced all will work out soon. While learning the lesson of patience in the meanwhile.

I wish you all the best of luck touching the lives of others. Take care!

Warm wishes,
Best energies,
Martijn van Kesteren

Dear Agus,
how are you? It has been one year now since we met you in Bali. Oh dear, how we miss this special time there and with you! How is your family? We hope you are healthy and happy the way we remember you all.
We are very happy to announce that our loving daughter Elena Kinarlee was born two weeks ago. It is like you foresaw: She is healthy and she is a girl. Thank you so much for giving us this trust!
We are still working on our travel book. It was (is) a lot of work and will be published this autumn. We are very curious how successful it will be. But nevertheless we are having a great time working on our dream. Going our own way was already a great experience which was absolutely worth it. Also for this thank you so much for motivating us to go this way.
We hope you are fine and hope to hear from you. All the best for you and your family.
Robert Bär

I just wanted to say thank you for seeing both my sister and I. It was really an incredible experience, and one that we won’t forget. I leave Bali on Tuesday afternoon but I was wondering if you had any upcoming availability? I’m not sure of what package I would like to do… I would like to do some sort of energy healing because I feel like I have internally held onto a lot of sadness which has caused me to not trust people and have insecurity. Do you think that the aura cleansing would be best for me? I’ll be in Ubud until then so I can make any time that works best for you. Please let me know 🙂

Thank you!
Sydney Artt

Thank you Angus it was lovely to meet you yesterday you are a very gifted man with your. Readings I learned a lot about myself and look forward to seeing again before Ann and I go home many thanks mick
Mick Howlett‎

Hello Agus,
Happy new year!
I’m not sure if you remember me but I came to visit you in June 2015 and it was a truly incredible experience. I am returning to Ubud in March with my sister and wondered if you could suggest any particular package for a return visit? My sister is travelling with me to meet you so nearer the time I will contact you to book both of us in for appointments.
Kind Regards,
Craig Umenyi

Went to meet Agus Sihman yesterday. This wonderful man shared some of his healing techniques with me so that I could improve my own healing practice. Within 2 hours I was successfully practising his techniques. I feel so blessed right now. If you come to Bali you must go to see him.

Neil Burgess

I hope all is well with you and your family.
You are an amazing healer.

I hope you can remember which one I am.
I saw you the 19th of Dec if my memory serves me.
Seeing you was the best thing that happened to me in Bali.
The one thing that has helped me is remembering how I felt when you were holding my hand and leading me through the beautiful flower strewn path. That memory gives me hope.
I seem to have lost all faith in myself
If you have any more information that you didn’t share with me or can tune into the universal consciousness with some hopeful message that may help me.
Blessings and Namaste,

Going to Bali? Please see Agus Sihman. A recommendation from me. This man has also helped me a lot, during my darkest hours and has given me encouragement, words of wisdom. In fact so many people have from all over the world and here! I’m grateful and appreciative of all the beautiful people in my life. Thank you
Michelle Singh

Agus, I just wanted to say thank you so much for our time last week.

I truly loved our time together, and am so very grateful for the wisdom and lessons you’ve shared with me.

I created this picture as a reminder of your advice – “To be strong like a tree” and to help me to direct my energy into my own personal strength rather than giving it away to others all the time. When I am strong, then I have more to give to those who are drawn to me.

I have taken away so much from you and will be starting my forgiveness ritual today – on new moon. I am now fasting so ensure that I have an empty vessel for beginning.

THANK YOU again, and I will look forward to seeing you next time I come back to Bali for my next spiritual lesson.

With total love and gratitude always
Naomi Smith

Hello Agus,
I hope you are well. I am back in Bali again and my boyfriend would love to see you. We are here until Thursday morning, do you have any appointment available before then?

Peace and love,


Hello Agus!

I am great ! it was a really great time in Bali and special with you, my life was not bad before but It is getting better and better actually!
( an in special way with the girls…it is crazy ;-))
One day after leaving Bali i visited a 6 day workshop is called “Body and Soul Energizer” in Germany….and i would not survive this
without your preparation to this event, it was a lot with selfe-love, contact to womens, and connection to heart..
So thank you thousend times, i am a new person in 2016, in a good way.
Of course you can use the pictures!!!
Thank you so much for the working with me and my energie!

Hello Agus,

Just wanted to say a big thank you for yesterday, we all enjoyed our sessions and feel very positive.

One thing I wanted to ask you, you said that in my past life I was a priest, do you know what kind or what country?

Also, what was the name of healer you said I was, I think it began with the letter P.

Thank you again,
We will all be back to see you in the future.

Lia Belle King

I came for a palm reading and was very well informed and loved the atmosphere and your attention to detail
I would like package 7 to help me flow in the right direction create opportunities to be the healer I am here to be for others
I live in Bali now in junjungan
I know you are amazingly busy too
Thank you

Good morning Agus, thank you for my reading last Wednesday & for seeing my daughter Lauren, she is so happy with her reading. Can you please tell me one thing? How many full moons do I do the ritual with 2 other people & are the petals red, white & yellow? I cannot remember. I forgot to ask will I have a long life?
Blessings to you and your family
Michelle Jayne

Dear Agus,

I have writen you a testimonial for your website, I hope it finds you well:

“Before I came to Agus I had a strong sense of anxiety, confusion, desperation almost and a very stubborn mind that wanted to take me away from myself in every situation. I did the three day full moon ceremony with him, and to start with I could not express my emotions clearly. I didnt know what it even meant to feel anymore. It took me a while to understand that the way Agus was healing me was not only on a spiritual level, but also a mental and physical level. He was helping me untangle my bad belief systems and my skeptisizm and habbits of self punishment, and he held space for me to see clearly what I need to do in order to return to the light in me. I will forever be grateful for this grand master healer. He i so knowledgeable and so powerful beyond my imagination. Thank you”
Erdinc Raim

Visiting Agus Bali Palmreader has given me so much it is hard to tell.
I dont feel the same anymore….or rather now I am myself again.
I am so thankful of Agus kind reading and advise for my future.
Explaining me so much about me and my feelings i can totally relate to but not being able to put into words myself.
Like a pilgrim travel wondering about and searching, knowing there is so much more within but not being able to put words on my thoughts.
Now I feel the light in my heart and coming home. Now I am open and wanting to explore more about myself.
Next time I am visiting Bali I will definitely spending more time with Agus.

Dear Agus,
We just want to let you know that we had the most extraordinary experience with you and therefore we thank you once again.
Please could you be so kind to send me the instructions and the name of the goddess you mentioned to Nele.
We wish you and your family all the love in the universe,
Nele Vandycke and Gerard van Aerde

Hello Agus,

It’s been a while since i contacted you to let you know how I’m progressing & more importantly how my son is..

I am very pleased to write to you & let you know that my son is now almost 8 months clean from problems . A miracle has happened right before my eyes. My prayers, your prayers, the prayers of other believers have been answered!

I am eternally grateful to God! Now my prayers will turn to my sons behaviour as he walks through this life with only positivity.

Now about me… I am in a very good place. My third eye has been opened & I am seeing things for what they truly are. I was always afraid of confrontation but no longer am. As I can still confront others with love.
my trust.

My heart is open & I have found peace & love that has replaced the resentment. I have enrolled into a counselling course & im asking for your prayers.

Thank you God!
Thank you for sending me to Agus for healing..

I look forward to your reply & I pray that we meet again 🙂

Dimi Kollias
from Adelaide, South Australia

Dimi Kollias

Well I have to say one of the best 2.5 hrs spent. This man Agus Sihman was amazing! No words to describe my experience. Truly magical

Tracy Mauser

Today we drove out to this small village on the out skirts of Ubud and had our palms read. It was seriously such an awesome experience. I literally was crying the entire time and this man knew me to the T and knew things from my past that had me fully convinced. I know since I got sober my life has been so full of happiness and positivity. It was good getting some insight to what my future has in store for me.

Aimee Lynn

Agus is a very precious soul giving completely of. Himself to help you to achieve the life that you should be living I highly recommend him to anyone who is in need of guidance And to be touched by the love of the universe Renny

Renny Tasker

Most amazing experience of my life so far, highly recommend Agus to anyone wanting to learn more about themselves and be more spiritually connected with the Earth.

Maddison-Lee Halliday

Hell Angus

I hope you are well. I came to visit you 2 years ago and had a wonderful experience.
I am back in Bali and would like to visit you again. Can you tell me your availability on Thursday or Friday this week?
My last visit has stayed with me all this time.

See you soon

I am deeply touched by meeting Agus Sihman again!!! THANKS for this wonderful and unique healing session! YOU ARE THE BEST!!! ❤️ ❤️

Dirk Händel

THE experience of my life ? HE is the BEST ? ?

Dirk Händel

“The wound is the place where Light enters you.” – Rumi Although the path through may look dark and treacherous, look down with each step forward and you may be amazed at the treasures you find along the way.
#healing #spiritualjourney #bali #amigamoon

Teresa Yung

I was at your place on 6.October together with Sylvia.

My Question:
Is it possible that you give me a 2-3 hour basic introduction/teaching in reading techniques? (What you mentioned)

I would be available only today (9.Oct) or tomorrow (10.Oct). I understand that this is maybe a too short notice as you are probably occupied with clients. But maybe it is possible.

Anyhow, thank you so much for the excellent reading 3 days ago and many blessings to you Christian

Christian halper

I have had the absolute pleasure of seeing Agus many times at his home in Bali over the last 2 – 3 years. Each time I visit Bali I spend time with him to help progress my spiritual and life journey. His pure love, wisdom, soul connection and insights are amazing. He brings a very unique gift to the world and I am honoured to have learned so much from him. The first time I visited him I cried for 2 hours from heart centred joy and connection, and each visit gets better. I totally recommend connecting with Agus if you are interested in living a quality life of love, connection and purpose.

Naomi Smith
